How We Got Started
I (Dominique) got my first pet cat Smudgy over 30 years ago! More cats followed, and Yorkshire Terriers, throughout my childhood. On getting married my husband Ed & I were joined by our own Yorkie George. We then found Bernese Mountain Dogs - a great passion of ours! - and Bella joined us 2 years later. Unfortunately my husband has a severe cat allergy and so despite loving cats we thought it would never be a possibility for us.
A chance encounter with our friends’ Siberians was life-changing. On finding out that they are hypoallergenic* he caught an unsuspecting feline and rubbed his face in the fur there and then. Amazingly there was no reaction and so I began researching the breed and fell in love. We now want to share this wonderful breed with others. Our cats are truly part of the family, spoiled and over-loved by our 3 little boys!
* hypoallergenic: Siberian Cats are said to be hypoallergenic because they produce less of the protein which causes most allergic reactions to cats. It is not fool proof. We have chosen traditional Siberian lines as there is some suggestion they might have less allergens than Neva Masquerade. We also use Purina LiveClear food which has revolutionary technology behind it, helping to bind the allergens further. My husband also takes a mixture of steroids and anti-histamines as standard anyway so this may help out. However, with this combination of factors, Connie sleeps on our bed and often our pillow and he has never so much as sneezed around her!